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pitch day


I had only 3 minutes to explain my project idea, why it was important and relevant, who my target broadcaster would be and why and finally, how I would present it on my online blog -a lot to do in three minutes right?

Public speaking in any sort of format is not something I am particularly fond of, in fact I strongly dislike it. This is mainly due to my fears at messing up, missing words, not pronouncing words correctly, stuttering and just general anxiety really. It’s something I really struggle with, but it will undoubtably be an important skill to master when it comes to getting a real journalism job one day – pitching ideas and so on.

I thought that making an infographic would help me keep calm, as if I lost my train of thought I could look down at the pretty colours and graphs and remember why I was doing this project and what it meant to me.

Thankfully, my tutors seemed to love my handout claiming it was the best they had seen all day which was good. I think my research and passion for the topic shone through and I was very happy to receive a mark of 73% – which is a great deal better than I have previous fared in other pitches.

And so it begins, The Silent Epidemic: Suicide Among Men

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