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Sending off a rough draft 

Welcome back to ‘The Silent Epidemic’, I’m currently awaiting feedback on my rough draft of my documentary from my supervisor, who hopefully will give me some things to change in order to benefit the final project.


The documentary has become somewhat like a child to me, and I have spent many hours in the editing suite of university sitting there listening over and over to it. I have found some difficulties with the equipment which has slightly altered my progress so far, due to faulty microphones and therefore poor audio in places.


But in order to remedy this, I have decided to conduct one of my interviews again focusing only on the clips that have been selected to be in my documentary opposed to the whole 2 hour interview. I believe this will benefit my documentary as the audio will be clearer, louder and more fitting to my Radio 4 target broadcaster, which doesn’t use telephone interviews very frequently.Although I met up with my interviewee in person, there was a lot of background noise in her kitchen which has sadly translated over onto the audio, therefore making it sound like a telephone interview.


The interview I will be re doing either today or tomorrow, is Julie Newton’s interview, whose son attempted to kill himself two years ago, but thankfully was found in time. I feel that the incredibly emotional nature of this interview was some what held back by the poor sound quality so re-doing it will hopefully make what she’s saying more powerful than the previous clip.

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